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Buy Albert Hoffmann 300ug LSD Online

Buy Albert Hoffmann 300ug LSD Online. In the annals of psychedelic history, few names loom as large as that of Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who first synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in 1938. Yet, it was Hofmann’s accidental ingestion of a 300 microgram dose of LSD on April 19, 1943, that would forever alter the course of his life and our understanding of psychedelics.

The Discovery

Intrigued by its potential medicinal applications, Hofmann synthesized LSD-25 in the hope of creating a circulatory and respiratory stimulant. Little did he know that his creation would catalyze a profound shift in consciousness.

The Bicycle Day Trip

On April 19, 1943, Hofmann experienced the world’s first intentional LSD trip. Consuming what he thought to be a minimal dose of LSD-25, Hofmann soon found himself experiencing intense psychoactive effects. Feeling unwell, he left the laboratory and embarked on a bicycle journey home, accompanied by his laboratory assistant.

The Revelations

During his bicycle ride, Hofmann experienced a series of profound and transformative revelations. He perceived the world around him with heightened clarity and vividness, observing the interconnectedness of all things and experiencing a sense of profound unity with nature. This seminal experience would later inspire Hofmann to refer to LSD as “medicine for the soul.”

The Legacy

Albert Hofmann’s 300 microgram LSD trip, now celebrated annually as Bicycle Day, marked the beginning of a new era in psychedelic research and exploration. LSD would go on to become a symbol of counterculture movements, a tool for psychotherapy, and a subject of scientific inquiry into the nature of consciousness.


In conclusion, Albert Hofmann’s 300ug LSD trip stands as a watershed moment in the history of psychedelics. His accidental ingestion of LSD on Bicycle Day not only changed the course of his own life but also opened the door to a new understanding of consciousness and the human psyche. Buy Albert Hoffmann 300ug LSD Online.


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